HAJOMA celebration on 1st of May


hajoma_schild_400pxA new professorship at the IEU must be celebrated! Hanna Kokko, Jordi Bascompte and Marta Manser (collectively known as HAJOMA-KOBAMA) did this at the beautifully situated Limnological Station in Kilchberg.
I think, we can say that Spanish, Finnish and Swiss do fit together quite well. Reindeer mousse with sangria, after a little BBQ – who could say no?



Renovation updates part 1

renovation1_200_300Finally, the long-awaited renovation of Kokkonuts’ kitchen started this week!

Well, working next to the construction site is not as calm as a walk in the park, as you can imagine. Some of the groups offices even had to be closed because of asbestos removal in the ceiling (…). But we’re sure the result is worth it and we’re looking forward to see our new, comfortable social space, including a brand new and convenient kitchen – and an orange pony.

President’s Award 2014 – and the winner is…

We’re very proud to announce that “Reproductive Foragers: Male Spiders Choose Mates by Selecting among Competitive Environments” by Lyndon Alexander Jordan, Hanna Kokko, and Michael Kasumovic (Am Nat 183:638-649) was selected for the Persident’s Award for the “best paper” published in the American Naturalist in 2014.

We especially congratulate allokokkonut Alex Jordan for his amazing work!

And there’s even more good news – Alex just let us know that he will move to Konstanz to work for the Max Planck Insitute, soon. It’s great to have you around!

Welcome Joan!

Joan Maspons just arrived in Zurich – welcome!

Joan is a PhD student from the Autonomous University of Barcelona. He’s working on causes and consequences of life history variation in bird species. Joan will join our group for about the next 3 months, fiddling about with the theoretical models he developed for his thesis – and hopefully we can help to improve them to his satisfaction!

We wish Joan an interesting and enjoyable stay in Switzerland!


Visit from Malika…

…on March 9 – 12, 2015.

Malika Ihle just finished her PhD at Max Plank Institute of Ornithology in Seewiesen (Germany) – congratulations! In her thesis Malika focused on benefits of mate choice and extra-pair behavior in the zebra finch. For more information check her website!

Gravity-Assisted Fun


– a ‘workshop’ or authorised snow-day recently taken by the Kokkonuts. Our goal: Big Pintenfritz, at 15km the longest sledding run in Europe (and possibly The World)!
We started from Grindelwald – dwarfed by the Alps – ascended via cable car to First, and hauled our trusty toboggans another 2.5 hours up to Faulhorn. And it was all downhill from there, in the best possible sense.