Every time you thought nature is diverse when it comes to reproduction, you find an even crazier example.


Lehtonen, J., Schmidt, D.J., Heubel, K. & Kokko, H. 2013. Evolutionary and ecological implications of sexual parasitism. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 28:297-306.


Kokko, H. & Heubel, K.U. 2011. Prudent males, group adaptation, and the tragedy of the commons. Oikos 120: 641–656 (an invited Per Brinck Oikos Award article).


Heubel, K.U., Rankin, D.J. & Kokko, H. 2009. How to go extinct by mating too much: Population consequences of male mate choice and efficiency in a sexual-asexual species complex. Oikos 118:513-520.


Kokko, H., Heubel, K. & Rankin, D.J. 2008. How populations persist when asexuality requires sex: the spatial dynamics of coping with sperm parasites. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 275: 817-825.